Now, lemme admit. I am a movie freak. If at all, I am shedding off my cynical (and my pet theory is: cynical ain't pessimistic) look at life, its for cinema. That is why, this blog has been the step-child for me since I started; The straight-child (in want of a better word) being this. New posts are getting rarer and rarer (as if there were many already!). Existing posts are some random ramblings (which I intended this blog for). But the ramblings must come at a brisk pace.
Of late, What have I been thinking, of late??? will come back once I got what it was/is. If you are wondering WTH is going on, this post will be in writing-stage for quite long time. So, "I will" actually means "I had", when you are reading the post.
Just ditch the experiment in the narrative in the last paragraph.
Update: Apr 11, 7:07 p.m.
That i might get fired soon keeps me in check from going on and on browsing the net.
Update: May 9, 03:36 p.m.
I hate this whole <b>caste-match-thing for 2 ppl to marry</b>. It mite be really stupid to say this hackneyed lament and put it in ur blog as well. But currently this goddamn thing (in reluctamnce to use the F word) is the shit, I feel I should get out of.
And, I also want to close this long-time-in-drafting stage post with this. Time: 3:46 p.m. May 9.